Style Inspiration
Style Inspiration
Inspire us and your fellow Amoresians by showing us how you wear your AMORESY, and where you wear it. We will post our favorite looks on this Style Inspiration page.
When we get an entry that knocks our socks off, we are prepared to reward you with vouchers to spend in our store. But to catch our eye you’ll need to be really bold, daring, artistic and super-shiny. The more public the setting, the more impressed we will be. Go on, astound us!
Try to use a high image resolution
Get max shine by using natural sunlight if possible
Full photos are preferable to selfies
We’d love to see you wearing your AMORESY in a public setting
It’s not required to show your beautiful face, but we’d rather see it
- Send by email:
- Please tell us 1) your name or social media handle, 2) the size you are wearing
- Sending us your photos gives AMORESY the right to display them
- Multiple submissions are welcomed